What We Do
See below additional detailed information about What We Do.
Conferences and seminars, 2004-19
Annual conferences
- The first HEIRNET conference in 2004 in Ambleside led to increasingly supported and successful conferences, which were characterized by friendliness and informality, irrespective of academic status.
- HEIRNET annual conferences take place in varied locations, significantly usually where history is a hotly contested subject, including Greece, South Africa, the USA, Brazil, Greece, Northern Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Russia, Cyprus and Slovenia as well as England.
- The 2020 meeting, due to take place in Amsterdam, was postponed due to the global pandemic.
- We hope to meet in Amsterdam in 2021, a cosmopolitan city that has played a leading role in European and European history since 1600.
For full details about the 2021 conference, see here: HEIRNET 2021 Conference
- HEIRNET Conferences continue a tradition of friendliness, hospitality and acceptance and equal treatment of all delegates in line with our aims.
- For conference publications, see the introduction to Publications below.
Other conferences and seminars
- HEIRNET is happy to support other conferences and seminars that colleagues wish to host.
HEIRNET has had a leading role in the following publications:
1. 2002-2018 International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research
From 2002-18 HEIRNET published the International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research (IJHLTR, r.i.p.) in association with the Universities of Exeter, Cumbria and the Historical Association. All back numbers are available on the of HERJ and other publications of the University College London [UCL Press] here.
2. 2018 History Education Research Journal [HERJ], see History Education Research J’nl section of the website
In 2018 the University College London, Institute of Education Pres, [UCL IOE Press] became the publisher of IJHLTR, relaunched as the History Education Research Journal (HERJ) that Arthur Chapman of UCL Press, Hilary Cooper and Jon Nichol edit with the support of an editorial board.

You can find full details of HERJ and other publications of the University College London Institute of Education Press [UCL-IOE Press] here.
3. Submitted papers for the History Education Research Journal
- Papers submitted for the History Education Research Journal, HERJ are subject to international blind peer review. If accepted for publication, HERJ aims to publish them within two years
- Papers successfully refereed for publication in HERJ can be posted on the HEIRNET website if the authors wish
4. Other papers submitted to HEIRNET
HEIRNET will post on its website other papers that are not submitted for consideration for publication in HERJ, subject to HEIRNET’s refereeing of them as being of a publishable standard.
5. HEIRNET Annual Conference’s Publications
For each conference the HEIRNET website posts:
- A list of presentations with authors, titles, affiliation and contact details
- abstracts of presentations
- the conference programme
- submitted papers
- PowerPoints
- Resources
- Reports, documentation, curricula and other documentation and materials
For full details, click on the link below and consult the relevant sub-section