History Education Publications & Resources
We are developing the HEIRNET permanent website as a repository of information about History Education which would otherwise either be unavailable or difficult to access.
HEIRNET is happy to publish the following on the HEIRNET website subject to revision in the light of the HEIRNET conference committee, HERJ Editorial Board and other feedback.
A. Updates
- Assessment – public examinations including syllabi, examination reports and evaluation + other forms of official assessment
- Bibliographic information on and relating to history education
- Books recently published on history education + reviews
- Developments in history education from around the world
- Information on, including invitations to join, proposals for research projects in history education
- Notes on world-wide conferences on history education, including also those with a history education element in the social sciences, humanities, curricula & policy and related fields.
- Official documents, including national curricula and legislation
- Policy documents
- Press reports on controversial issues
- Research reports
B. HERJ articles and papers
- Papers reviewers recommended for publication in HERJ but omitted due to lack of space in the journal.
These papers satisfy the HERJ criteria for publication and meet the criteria for acceptance in the reports of two reviewers but could not be published in HERJ due to limited space
- Articles that the HERJ committee is willing to post on the website, noting they have not been subject to peer review. These can include reports on research in progress, i.e. at an early interim stage.
- Papers – Short reports / reviews on research methodology [these can be drawn from articles, where these sections deserve dissemination to the History Education Research community]
C. Other papers and articles
Submitted for publication on the HEIRNET website but unrelated to either the HEIRNET annual conference or the HERJ [History Education Research Journal] D. History Education Dissertations
- Dissertations deserving dissemination – undergraduate, masters and doctoral
E. History Education Resources – Praxis
- Resources available for the teaching of history, particularly on-line
[this is a huge area at the interface between theory, scholarship, research and praxis – Pedagogical Content Knowledge, PCK] F. Podcasts
- Podcasts and other such facilities – for discussions and debates etc. in a formal sense, not solely via Social Media
Submission of material for the PUBLICATIONS section of the website, please send to: heirnetwebsite@gmail.com